jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

English Challenges

Hello! This is the last blog that I write in the subject English level 4, in the year 2015.

This subject was very good, really. English level 3 and 4 was very relaxed with a good teacher and didn`t was boring, the activities didn`t was tiresome and I learned more things that in English level 2. In English level 4, the use of the blog was very necessary because is a good tool for learn in the writing area, but my difficulties is in the speaking and listening areas, for this reason, I enjoyed more making the blog hahaha. Generally, the topics of the blog were interesting, and also, easy to make.

I think that my difficulties in English is the listening and speaking, for example, if I talk with an American or English person, I couldn`t speak fluently, with much pauses. I think that the only form of learn is with practice. The homework of videos was a good tool for this objective, and I think that is a good route for learn little by little.

Outside of the English class I practice the English in unexpected situations, for example, in the street I walking while I listening music. I listening music in Spanish but sometimes I change the lyrics to English in my mind, is funny. In other situations, I watch TV series in Spanish and I imagine the same dialogs in English. But I still not use the English in important situations or conversations. This is the challenge for me after that finish this English course. 

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

2015 Reflections Have you had a good year?

Hello, today I will talk about my year 2015.

I had a lot of good moments or things in this year. Principally, I began a love relationship until today. First, he lives in Concepcion, but he decided come to Santiago for study photography in the next year. We have 8 months of relationship and we were happy, my mother knows him and loves him. Also, this year I strengthen my friendship with many people, and got new friends. The friendly area was good in this year. In other areas, for example in my career, I could finally pass my subjects, and the next year I will do the practice and thesis. But, in a very important area, my personal development, I could assist to psychotherapy and understand many things of my life.

This year, some things don’t had a good state, for example my health. I was sick in different occasions in the year, either of my stomach, or a cold, and this didn`t allow me to assist to the job or my classes. As well as, the relation with my mother not was too good for different reasons.

However, I could get a job in March of this year. This job afforded that I had money for me and for help in my house with the maintenance. Also, I could restart with my passion, the writing.

A good course that I had in this year was “Group Therapy”, precisely in my career.

2015 was a good year in general. 

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Summer Plans

The places that I would like visit are principally four countries: Brazil, Spain, Italy and Colombia.

I would like that the people that accompany me in this travels are my friends or my boyfriend. Specially, in Spain, I have an older sister in Barcelona, she is fashion designer and her apartment is in the center, there she can receive me. I would like be with her and know his friends and frequent people. In Brazil I have a good friend that lives in Sao Paulo, and he can receive me in his house and show me the city and other places and activities of his country, for example the carnivals or the beach. In Colombia and Italy, I would like to go with Chilean friends, in those countries I don`t have acquaintance people that can receive me.

The activities that I would like do in those places are varied, it depend the country. In Spain I would like visit the historic center and the architecture, know the Spain bohemian and meet much people. In Brazil I would like know the beach and the carnivals. In Colombia I would like be in Bogotá and Cartagena de Indias, I know these places thank a TV series Colombian: Betty la fea. I love the happiness of the Colombians. Finally, in Italy I would like, above all, eat, the pastas are my weakness.

I planning only have fun in summer, not work nor study. 

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

My best friend

My best friend is Natalie, she have 27 years old.

Both were studying in the same career, in Psychology at the Universidad de Chile. I was in second year and she in third year, but we had a common subject. In this occasion, we didn`t talk much, but one year after, we coincided in a faculty party and we did talk more.  Days after, we went out to eat ice cream and talk. Natalie and I were friends since the year 2013, we have two year of friendship till present.

I consider that Natalie is my best friend because we have many things in common. She also happen a vocational crisis in the career, we have the same humor type and we like the same TV series. As well as, we do many things together, for example dance in aerobic, cook, and go out to shopping.  She live with her mother, and also I. But also, she has a son of 9 years old; she got pregnant at 18 years old. Natalie knows things of me that nobody know.

The best memories that I have with Natalie, is when we did go to Zumba Class sometimes. We had fun together in these classes. I love to my best friend Natalie. 

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

How Green are you?

Hello, today I`m going to talk about my relation with the ecology.

I didn`t had many opportunities to learn about environmentally friendly practices, but when I was a child, in the kinder garden and my school, the teachers show me different forms of care the environment, unfortunately the lessons was only theoretical.

The recycling not is a usual topic in my daily routine. I would like have the time and the habit for this, but my days (above all in the week) are much accelerated and I don`t stop it. Even so, I think that is thing of habit, and when I will have a little bit of time (for example in summer or holidays) I will begin to realize some of recycling.

I don`t have a bike, but in Christmas my mother will give me one. I like walk by the city, above all in the night, I prefer a good trekking by some fine streets in the city instead of a route in bus. In my opinion, the bus in Santiago is a very bad transport way; is dirty, polluting and hot. It is very disagreeable.

I don`t have joined in some eco-organization. I don`t know some in Santiago, but I don`t reject the idea of in a future I have joined in one of this organizations. I think that they accomplish a very important mission in the cities above all.

I would like have a park near of my house, I want go over this place in bike. Also I would like have a little vegetable patch, above all tomatoes, lettuces and potatoes; in my house, I and my mother eat many of these vegetables.

I try of do a minimum of things for reduce my carbon footprint. But I need more information in relation with it.

Finally, I think that in Santiago we don`t have an eco-friendly behavior. The use of car is increasing year after year, the people is more consumer and the accelerated urban life don`t we allow for develop an eco-friendly aware. The industries cover the zones and the green areas are less and less. The common people and the authorities have the duty of be more responsible about this topic. 


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

My future job

Hello. Today I will write about my future job.

My real passion is creating histories, then; my ideal job in future is scriptwriter or dramatist. I imagine my job very relaxed and happy, for example in wintertime I imagine me in my house with a heater, drinking a coffee or hot tea, writing a new history for TV or theatre in my notebook. Or in summer, in a little house with view to the sea, I am sitting in the terrace, drinking a Martini and writing in my notebook.

Clearly, I would like be in a familiar space. An office is a very impersonal place to create an artistic work of any type. Ideally I need a comfortable space of job to create, with music, some drink or coffee, good light, and obviously my notebook.

I would like travel to Europe, especially to Spain and Italy, I need nourished me with the history and the knowledge of this part of the world. I think that a good histories creator have to know other realities. Other possibility is travel to Argentina and Brazil, because there are the greatest creators in script of cinema, soap opera, or theatre in Latinoamerica.

Then, if I want travel to Europe, I would take some major or specialization in Spain for example. Because here in Chile, not exist a great offer about this career and not much universities teach this job. At present, I am studying psychology at Universidad de Chile, but is a career that now don`t inspire me.

I really need and want study for be a scriptwriter. Is a passion that I discovered since approximately two years and was sleep in me for a time.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Election Day

Hello, today I will speak about the vote in democracy.

I did vote in the last election, in the 2009 and 2013. And I am going to vote in the next presidential election. I think that if we don`t exercise our right of vote, other person will do, and in this country, the power of decision is in the right wing sector, and is necessary change this situation. All we have the power of decision and we have to exercise. I think that the blocs of the “Nueva Mayoría” and the “Alianza” don`t have the sufficient capacity of civil representation, for that reason I will vote for an independent candidate.

In relation to the electoral campaigns, I think that is excessive. This type of campaigns generates visual contamination in the streets and I think that a discussion in TV is a much better form of campaign. After all, we will vote for the ideas, no for the faces or images.

The qualities that should have a person to run for a public position is a big capacity of know how to listen, as much to people as to political opponents. He should be clear and precise in his ideas and proposals. Many people in this country think that a president should be authoritarian, above all the topic of the delinquency, but I think that these people are completely disoriented.

The politician is attractive, but I don`t have the capacity of discuss, I am a bit aggressive with the extreme right wing people, and I don`t have patience for explain the things in a debate. Therefore, I don`t would have a good politician.

The electoral campaigns in my district are very invasive. Many pamphlet and posters, but in the moment of new proposal for the district, the candidates don`t have nothing specific. I think that a debate in a public space of the district would be a good form of let know his ideas and proposals. 

Thank you!

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015


Hello, my name is Camilo Montes. I live in Santiago of Chile. I am 24 years old, and I study psychology at Universidad de Chile since the year 2010.

I took the English Class in level 4. My weaknesses in English are listening and speaking this language in a fluent way. But my strengths are reading and writing. I need to strengthen the listening and speaking exercises.

My expectations in this course is at least strengthen my abilities in listening English. Besides, I want to understand the song lyrics of some English or American singers.

Thank you.


I continue my blog, in this second term 2015. Thank you.